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Awaken dreaming

BODO – Galéria és aukciósház

Falk Miksa street 24-26, H-1055, BUDAPEST

Opening ceremony Thu. 30. May / 17.00—18.00 h
Duration of the exhibition 30.05.2019.—15.06.2019.
Exhibition guided tour Fri. 31. May / 17.00—18.00 h
Live painting Sat. 01. June / 11.00—13.00 h

First presentation of his works in Budapest, as the first stop of Mindhunter exhibition after Vienna. This is the choice of a part of one entirety of large format abstract paintings where he presents his most recent works. The subject is the rounded cycle being a logic continuation of his prior reflexions and artistic expression, where decomposing the painting and decanting the forms that have had some architectural element or raster in the background being discernible under the epidermis of the abstract mass of colours, lines or material, have been seen. His mastering the abstraction has developed gradually.

Sakač is an architect by profession and this has been reflected in his painting and in his seeking artistic expression. This coherent entirety has generated from his seeking, proving his vital creativity and enviable production. His prior abstract art, where he has been present during the last years, has been characterized by the irregular but controlled lines creating strong architectural structures with a powerful feeling of composition and achieving rudimentary forms. In his prior cycles and paintings the space has been suggested by lines, the windows and doors have been suggested by squares, the poplar-trees by ovals etc.